The Emotion Code
Some of the negative emotions you’ve experienced before, even a long time ago, may be creating problems for you now. The Emotion Code is about finding those old emotions and releasing them forever. Much of our suffering is due to negative emotional energies that have become “trapped” within us. Many people have found that when they free themselves of their trapped emotions, they are able to live healthier and happier lives. A single trapped emotion can create both physical and emotional problems.
How Trapped Emotions Can Feel in the Body?
Do you feel that you are struggling under the weight of something that you can’t quite put your finger on?
Your life is not turning out how you had hoped?
Your attempts to form lasting relationships never seem to work out?
You may wish that certain events in your past had never occurred but feel powerless to move beyond them?
Do you have an uneasy feeling that your present is being held hostage by your past?
The traditional approach in Western society is generally to talk about the past and discuss coping mechanisms with a therapist. While this is often helpful and can save lives, it does not address the trapped emotions directly, which means that the true root of the problem remains.
Trapped emotions often drive people to self-medicate in various ways (alcohol, working long hours, drugs, trying to solve everyone else’s problems, thrill seeking).
Many people fail to perform up to their ability and have difficulty making their life work as they should. Oftentimes, the underlying cause of their frustration is a trapped emotion from a past event that they may not realize is sabotaging their efforts.
The Damage Trapped Emotions Cause
Trapped emotions can cause you to make the wrong assumptions, overreact to innocent remarks, misinterpret behavior, and short-circuit your relationships.
Trapped emotions can create depression, anxiety, and other unwanted feelings that you can’t seem to shake.
They can interfere with the proper function of your body’s organs and tissues, wreaking havoc with your physical health, causing pain, fatigue, and illness.
The Emotion Code is about clearing away the baggage so that you can be who you really are inside.
The Heart-Wall
Your subconscious mind uses the energy of trapped emotions to create a barrier or shield around your heart. Literally, it creates a wall of energy around your heart, to protect it when you are going through stressful or tough events in your life. Like so many of our body’s defences, a Heart-Wall can be an invaluable safety measure in the short term.Having a Heart-Wall long term is a lot like living your life in a bunker, underground and disconnected from the rest of the world. Trapped emotions can create a wall around your heart that can block you from living life to the fullest.
When you have a Heart-Wall, you are not able to give love as well as you might, because the love energy that is in your heart cannot get out well. At the same time, love that is being radiated toward you by other people is blocked to some degree. Sometimes eliminating the wall can make the difference between living a life of disappointment and living happily ever after. When trapped emotions and Heart-Walls are released, people sometimes say it’s like they can finally feel again.
The most amazing thing about removing the Heart-Wall is that it immediately changes the energy around you so that others around you act differently toward you. Releasing someone’s Heart-Wall is often followed by a profound experience of connection with other people. Much of our personal and spiritual growth comes out of our love for and interaction with others. The more open our hearts are, the stronger our connection to one another will be. The more connected we are, the more we can give and receive love, and the richer our lives will become.
What is The Emotion Code Session?
The Emotion Code is the form of energy healing.
The duration of the session is 1 hour and it's in a format of a video call (via Zoom).
The maximum amount of the trapped emotions that can be released during 1 session is 10.
To work on one issue two sessions is usually recommended.
There is a 3 days minimum break required between the sessions, but sometimes it can be longer.
To identify and release trapped emotions we'll be communicating with your subconscious mind (don't worry, I won't be able to read your minds, I'm not a psychic). All answers from your subconscious mind we'll be receiving through the muscle testing.
You'll be able to ask some questions about each trapped emotion, if you want (but it's not always necessary in order to release it, so it'll be up to you), like age of occurrence, associated life event or location in the body.
After the session you'll receive an e-mail with the list of all released emotions and any additional information received.
The heart-wall removal session is the same process, but would usually take 3 sessions on average.
The Emotion Code Sessions & Packages

Free Discovery Call
20 minutes online call
Let's get to know each other!
Book this session if you are new to The Emotion Code and you would like to know more about this healing modality and if this is something that you can benefit from.
The Emotion Code
Single Session
1-1,5 hour online call
+ e-mail report after the session.
Book this session to work on your trapped emotions.
The maximum number of trapped emotions, that can be released during the session is 10. We can work on specific issues, like anxiety, fear, panic, etc., or on a specific event that you had in your life to release any emotions, that might was trapped during that event.
Heart-Wall Removal
(Multiple Sessions)
3 x 1-1,5 hour online calls
+ e-mail report after each session
Usually heart-wall removal is taking up to 3 sessions, although sometimes it can take less or more, so additional sessions will be provided if needed, until the heart-wall will be removed completely.
If the heart-wall removal will take less than 3 sessions, you will have the remaining sessions to work on other trapped emotions.
Book The Emotion Code Session